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Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology


  • MECOnet Digital Library (MECOnet Proceedings, Books, Presentations and other resources)
  • MECOnet journals are oriented towards the publication of scientific, technological and education papers, exclusively to those who intend to publish their work in order to advance science, society and economic development. 

    Our authors are not  "scribomans" and not burdened with "publish or perish" and sciencometrics.  Simply people that like science and research and wants to share their ideas  for the benefit of science and technology. We  publish original ideas and works derived from real experiments that can be usefull to everyone. All articless are subject of expert review and can be 1) design idea (1 page long), 2) short article (1-2 pages long) and 3) regular articles (more than 3 pages long). They should be language and methodically correct. 

    Currently, we publish one journal with frequency 1-2 issue per year and plan to initiate more. 

Products, projects, dissemination, research

 Smart Enviro        

Partnerships and recognitions