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Mediterranean Excellence in Computing and Ontology


   Wearable Health Care Device to Track COVID-19 Symptoms

Internal Pathfinder Application Experiments  (PAE)


MECOnet LLC, Montenegro and Prosmart Ltd. Serbia

Project Aim:

Interfacing SYNTROFOS device with comercial and professional medical clients and hosts 

Project Summary:

General role of MECOnet will be transferring technology to cross border partner. In this case to the company ProSmart.  Specific tasks include:

  •  interfacing and  gatewaying SYNTROFOS device to other devices and hosts (gadgets, conventional hospital systems, IoT systems and general purpose telemedicine systems)
  • analyzing, documenting, protecting, publishing and disseminating the results.
  • providing IPR and trying to sell the updated device on global and local market. 

General role of ProSmart will be accepting and overmastering the technology provided by MECOnet, while specific tasks will include:

  • defining user requirements  for SYNTROFOS  in order to meet valid clinical standards.
  • assisting in developing software for interfacing SYNTROFOS to mobile platforms (i.e. Android and IoS) as well as to hospital systems.
  • testing overall systems, debugging and assisting in improvement. 
  • helping in promoting and selling system on regional market.

Draft Project Application:


Presentations and Dissemination

    TV Vijesti station in live presentation about Syntrofos, 06/11/2020

   State TV station of Montenegro live programme about Syntrofos

University of Montenegro web site, Montenegrin Broadcasting Company, Montenegrin Portal for Technology Entrepreneurship
Dan, Daily Newspaper, Montenegrin Portal
Students works related to the topic:
Danilo Petričević, Anja Vukalović, Savo Vujošević and Radovan Stojanović, Smart Covid-19 Face Mask, Technical report – research, APEG Lab,  Faculty of Electrical Engineeting, University of Montenegro, January 2022, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12798.31041


  1. R. Stojanović, A. Škraba and B. Lutovac, "A Headset Like Wearable Device to Track COVID-19 Symptoms," 2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Budva, Montenegro, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MECO49872.2020.9134211.
  2. Stojanovic, Radovan, and Andrej Skraba. "Simplified open HW/SW pulse oximetry interface for purpose of COVID-19 symptoms detection and monitoring." 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). IEEE, 2021.


MSc thesis researcher. 1-2 students are invited to work under this topic. Interested to apply via e-mail: , Attach CV and motivation letter. 

Products, projects, dissemination, research

 Smart Enviro        

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